Headquarters of Pobrdí Ecological Centre Orlov o.p.s.
Address: Plzeňská 134, 261 01 Příbram Plzeňská 134, 261 01 Příbram
Data box: 36hykyd
Email: info@eco-centrum.cz
Head of the office of Pobrdí:
MVDr. Luboš Gardoň
Email: gardon@eco-centrum.cz
Phone: +420 725 373 049
Project Manager of Destination Management Pobrdí:
Luboš Gardoň
Email: lubos.gardon@eco-centrum.cz
Phone: +420 776 460 688
Branch office Pobrdí
Address: Strašice 653, 338 45 Strašice
Operating hours: Středa 10.00 -12.00
Head of the detached office:
RNDr. Martin Lang
Email: langmartin@atlas.cz
Phone: +420 725 373 049